About Me

In 1973, I was adopted through Catholic Charities. Several years ago, despite a closed adoption and sealed records, I reunited with my birth-family. It's been an exciting, scary, eye-opening, and emotional road. Life truly is the greatest adventure. Let's explore it together!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Do you have a favorite movie featuring adoption?

Last week I posted nada because I was bound for California with the fam, desperately in need of a little R&R. That's rest and relaxation, folks!

This week I'm keeping things lighter than a feather. Hey, I'm still basking in the sun and sand-induced euphoria of my time spent in "The Golden State". 

Last night my daughter and I watched The Royal Tenebaums. I've seen it many a time because I love Wes Anderson films. I figured my progeny would too. I was right. I usually am 56.7% of the time. 

I completely forgot about how funny the adopted character Margot Tenebaum (Gwyneth Paltrow) is treated by her adoptive father, Royal Tenebaum (Gene Hackman).  He makes a point to introduce her this way: 

I love it! Here's a low quality video clip of the same thing, followed by her reuniting with her birthfamily and losing her finger while her pappy chops wood. Stop watching there, as the rest relates to other parts of the movie having nothing to do with the adoption facet. Still funny, though! 

Another favorite movie of mine is Juno. The lead, Juno, is a pregnant high school girl who finds a family to adopt her baby after finding them in a local Pennysaver ad. Isn't it dreamy? I think so. Without fail, I get attacked by those stupid onion ninjas during the scene when Juno gives birth and her boyfriend Bleeker crawls into her hospital bed and holds her. She sobs. I sob. Stupid onion ninjas.

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