About Me

In 1973, I was adopted through Catholic Charities. Several years ago, despite a closed adoption and sealed records, I reunited with my birth-family. It's been an exciting, scary, eye-opening, and emotional road. Life truly is the greatest adventure. Let's explore it together!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Are you sure I'm not adopted?

I'm thinkin' I might be adopted...
My parents told me I was adopted from day one. I'm thankful they did. They explained, in the simplest way, what it meant to be adopted.

Mom knew how to make a kid feel good. She would say,"How many parents can say they got to choose their child? We chose you. That's something special." 

Maybe all the her fawning over me contributed to my inflated ego and quest to be the center 
of attention. Thanks, Mom! You rock, and so do I.

I know people who, for whatever reason, chose to keep their child's adoption into their family a 
secret. In my opinion, it's a selfish move to deny a person their identity. A secret makes me think 
something is wrong, something is bad, it's something to hide. 

Secrets have a way of finding their way out. What would you think if you grew up with a family, 
thought you shared the same DNA, heritage, etc., only to find out it was a sham? Can you say identity 
crisis? The truth is the ONLY way to go.

The worst surprise ever...
Would you keep an adoption a secret? 

Why do you think some people do? 

Come on people! Tell me what you think. 

Have a most awesome weekend and remember - adoption is cool!


The Adopted Goddess